My research focuses on how the social, cultural, and institutional environments affect entrepreneurs’ new venture creation process, venture outcomes, and identity--particularly for underserved entrepreneurs.
Currently, my research is situated within two overarching categories. First, I study whether and how entrepreneurs respond to social movements' indirect effects and with what consequence to their firm. Within this space, I merge social movement and social entrepreneurship literatures by highlighting how social movements can influence entrepreneurs' engagement in social entrepreneurship. Second, I research Latinx entrepreneurship within the United States. Specifically, I study how demographic shifts impact Latinx business formation and growth. I also research how Latinx entrepreneurship can highlight the complexities of opportunity recognition/exploitation, as well as our understanding of necessity/opportunity entrepreneurship. |
Underrepresented Entrepreneurship; Identity; Social Entrepreneurship; Social Movements; Social Capital
Beorchia, A. M. (2020). All the World’s a Stage: Relational Identity and the Entrepreneurial Performance. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Held virtually due to COVID-19.
Beorchia, A. M., Gras, D., Amarante, E. (2020). Latino Business Formation and Growth in New Latino Destinations: A Social Capital Perspective. AOM Specialized Conference Advancing Management Research in Latin America. Mexico City, Mexico. (Best Conference Proposal Award) Beorchia, A. M., Gras, D., Amarante, E. (2019). Mind the gap: Social capital and Latino entrepreneurship. Southern Management Association annual conference. Norfolk, VA. Beorchia, A. M., Gras, D. (2019). Institutional Voids or Institutional Avoidance? Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference. Boston, MA. Beorchia, A. M., Gras, D. (2019). Institutional Voids or Institutional Avoidance? Impoverished entrepreneurs’ lack of engagement with formal institutions. Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange. Sydney, Australia. Gras, D., Beorchia, A. M. (2018). Institutional Voids or Institutional Avoidance? Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL. Beorchia, A. M. (2018). What a Woman Wants (and Gets): Career/Life Aspirations among Business Alumni. Presentation at the Pacific Sociological Association annual meeting, Long Beach, CA. Beorchia, A. M. (2017). Climbing Walls: Barriers to Top Leadership Positions for Latinas. Presentation of research in progress at the Pacific Sociological Association annual meeting, Portland, OR. |
Beorchia, A. M. (Oct. 30, 2019). Latino Business Outreach: A Review of Latino Entrepreneurship in Knoxville, TN. Community meeting composed of county employees, university employees, and regional non-profit organizations. Knoxville, TN.
Beorchia, A. M. (Aug. 28, 2019). State of Latino Entrepreneurship: Knoxville, TN. Community meeting composed of government representatives, business owners, lawyers, consultants, and regional non-profit organizations. Knoxville, TN. |
Office of Community Engagement Research Grant. (2020). Funding to conduct interviews with immigrant entrepreneurs. Advisor: Jessica Jones; University of Tennessee.
Best Conference Proposal Award. (2020). AOM Specialized Conference, “Advancing Management Research in Latin America.” Research Promise Award. (2020). Department of Entrepreneurship and Management; University of Tennessee. Academy of Management Best Reviewer Award. (2019). AOM Conference; ENT Division. Master’s Student Researcher of the Year (Finalist). (2018). College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences; Utah State University. Master’s Student Researcher of the Year. (2018). Sociology Department; Utah State University. Graduate Research and Creative Opportunities Grant. (2017). Funding for thesis research. Advisor: Christy Glass. Utah State University. Triota Honor’s Society Inductee. (2017). National Women’s Studies Honor Society. Utah State University. |